

Below are the exchange minimum margin requirements, standard intraday margins¹ for some of the more popular contracts (margin requirements for all contracts may be viewed in the trading platforms) and EIMS² for all markets offered. Maintenance margins for position traders is 10% lower than the initial margins. Please note that the margin requirements are subject to change without notice. Please see bottom of page for more details.

ContractSymbolExchangeInitial MarginDay Trade MarginEIMS
All CME Group and ICE contracts offered - only the most popular shown -
Updated February 17, 2025
Australian Dollar future6ACME$1,485$371$250
British Pound future6BCME$2,200$550$250
Canadian Dollar future6CCME$1,265$316$250
Dollar Index futureDXICE$1,857$464$250
Euro Currency future6ECME$2,860$715$250
Japanese Yen future6JCME$3,190$798$250
Swiss Franc future6SCME$4,070$1,018$250
E-micro AUD/USD futureM6ACME$149$37$50
E-micro GBP/USD futureM6BCME$220$55$50
E-micro EUR/USD futureM6ECME$286$72$50
E-micro CAD/USD futureMCDCME$127$32$50
E-micro CHF/USD futureMSFCME$407$102$50
Crypto Currencies
Micro Bitcoin futureMBTCME$2,597$649$250
Crude Oil future CLNYMEX$5,075$1,269$500
Eminy Crude Oil future QM NYMEX$2,548$637 $250
Micro Crude OilMCLNYMEX$510$128$50
Eminy Natural Gas future QGNYMEX$668$167$100
Heating Oil future HONYMEX$6,586$1,647$500
Natural Gas future NG NYMEX$2,651$663$250
RBOB Gas futureRBNYMEX$5,308$1,327$500
Brent Crude futureBRNICE$4,499$1,125N/A
Grains and Oilseeds
Corn future ZC CBOT$1,155$289N/A
Oats future ZOCBOT$1,375$344 N/A
Rough Rice futureZRCBOT$1,540$385N/A
Soybean future ZS CBOT$2,200$550N/A
Soybean Meal future ZMCBOT$2,310$578 N/A
Soybean Oil future ZLCBOT$1,980$495N/A
Wheat future ZWCBOT$1,925$481N/A
Hard Red Wheat KE CBOT$2,090$523 N/A
Minneapolis Wheat futureMWEMGEX$1,870$468 N/A
Mini Corn XCCBOT$231$58 N/A
Mini WheatXWCBOT$385$96 N/A
Mini SoybeanXK CBOT$440$110N/A
Equity Index Markets
Emini Nasdaq futureNQCME$24,933$6,233 $500
Emini Russell future RTY CME$8,392$2,098 $500
Emini S&P 500 future ESCME$16,093$4,023$500
Mini Dow Jones future YMCBOT$11,426$2,857$500
Nikkei 225 futureNKD CME$12,812$3,203N/A
Micro Emini S&P 500MESCME$1,609$402$50
Micro Emini Nasdaq 100MNQCME$2,493$623$50
Micro Emini Russell 2000M2KCME$839$210$50
Micro Emini DowMYMCBOT$1,143$286$50
Interest Rates
2 Yr Tnote futureZT CBOT$1,320$330$50
Micro 2-Year Yield2YYCBOT$363$91$50
5 Yr Tnote future ZF CBOT$1,375$345$100
Micro 5 Year Yield5YYCBOT$341$85$50
10 Yr Tnote future ZNCBOT$2,063$516$200
Micro 10 Year Yield10YCBOT$330$83$50
30 Yr Tbonds futureZB CBOT$4,070$1,018 $500
Micro 30 Year Yield30YCBOT$297$74$50
Livestock and Meat
Feeder Cattle future GFCME$4,538$1,135N/A
Lean Hogs future HECME$1,760$440 N/A
Live Cattle future LECME$2,420$605N/A
Copper futureHGCOMEX$7,150$1,788 $500
E-mini Copper futureQCCOMEX$3,575$894 N/A
Gold futureGCCOMEX$13,750$3,438$500
miNY Gold futureQOCOMEX$6,875$1,719 $250
E-micro Gold futureMGCCOMEX$1,375$344$50
Silver future SICOMEX$13,200$3,300$1,000
miNY Silver futureQICOMEX$6,600$1,650$500
Micro SilverSILCOMEX$2,640$660$200
Cocoa futureCCICE$14,564$3,641N/A
Coffee future KC ICE$10,812$2,703N/A
Cotton futureCTICE$1,870$468N/A
Orange Juice future OJ ICE$4,256$1,064 N/A
Sugar #11 futureSBICE$1,121$280N/A

¹Standard Day Trade Margin is offered to most clients with futures trading experience and is available during any open session as long as a $1000 balance is maintained. Strict adherence to the Intraday Margin Policy (provided upon funding account) is necessary to maintain day trading margin privileges.

²The Enhanced Intraday Margin System (EIMS) is available by request from seasoned traders that have familiarity with our platforms and risk management expectations. At least $1000 must be maintained at all times and clients enabled with EIMS, are only permitted to trade from 8:30am CT to 3:50pm CT. Full details and restrictions of the EIMS are outlined in the EIMS policy.

Intraday margin is not available for the Generic Trader Online platform

Margin of any type is provided at the discretion of the risk management department and is subject to change without notice.

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